I have Norton Antivirus that I get free with BT Yahoo it has been working fine until recently. For some reason it keeps coming up the the virus protection is switched off, I do a live
update which sorts it out until I go online again then I get an error message from symantec. I click and there is a fix which doesn't work it then tells me the only way to solve the problem is to uninstall norton and reinstall it. I have done this at least half a dozen times and it sorts it out for a couple of weeks and then the error reappears. It's happening every few days now can anyone help??
Why does Norton Virus Protection keep turning off?computer repair
Norton is the gayest thing ever...get rid of it and get avg
Why does Norton Virus Protection keep turning off?free antivirus
norton sucks. you wasted your money on it
Hi Claire,
This is Mike from the Norton Authorized Support Team responding to your question. The symptoms you describe point to an infection on your system. Please click on the following link to run the Symantec Security Check. (NOTE: You must use Internet Explorer for these tests to operate properly). Please make sure that you run both of the tests.
After you run these tests, please manually run LiveUpdate to make sure that you have the latest program and definition updates applied to Norton.
Thank you,
Michael York
Norton Authorized Support Team
Symantec Corporation
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